Understanding NIJ 0101.06 Armor Protection Levels
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Understanding NIJ 0101.06 Armor Protection Levels

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The National Institute of Justice NIJ body armor ballistic levels currently classify body armor into five different threat levels: Level IIA, Level II, Level IIIA, Level III and Level IV based on their ability to stop specified rounds at specified velocities. The NIJ’s current standard is 0101.06 with a pending update to 0101.07 slated to be finalized in sometime in the next year or two.

NIJ Body Armor Ballistic Level IIIA

NIJ Level IIIA is designed to stop .357 Sig FMG FN bullets traveling at a velocity of ~1470 ft/s and .44 Magnum SJHP rounds at a velocity of ~1430 ft/s. Our Soft Armor panels have been tested to meet both the .06 IIIA and .07 RF2 NIJ ballistic level requirements.

NIJ Ballistic Level III & Level III+ Protection

NIJ Body Armor Ballistic Level III rifle plates are designed to stop six spaced hits of 7.62x51mm NATO FMJ M80 at a velocity of ~2780 ft/s. Level III+ is a designation that the body armor industry has adopted to show the capabilities of armor beyond the NIJ Level III testing. This indicates that the plate can withstand higher velocity rifle rounds plus additional threats such as M855 and M193.

The Highest Rated Ballistic Level of Protection

NIJ Body Armor Ballistic Level IV are the highest rated hard armor plates under the NIJ standards. They are designed to take one hit from an Armor Piercing 30.06 traveling at a velocity of 2880 ft/s. We offer level IV body armor plate as well.

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